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Here lie the former Persimmons editors who have faced a fate worse than death . . .

Molly Fording
I'm a senior English major and Classics minor from Westport, Connecticut, and I've been involved with Persimmons for all of my glorious time at Kenyon. In my spare time I enjoy arguing, libraries, and knitting increasingly complicated sweaters. Other miscellaneous interests: dinosaurs, bog bodies, Irish literary history!

Sam Hafetz
I enjoy doing nothing and then usually my ventures into nothingness turn into some sort of profound meditation by me. Never listen to my profound meditations; they are merely excuses for me to sound smart about topics as random and meaningless as “doing nothing.” Anyway I’m a Senior from Brooklyn, NY, who plans on double majoring in English and Drama. Nevertheless, don’t listen to me, all I talk about is nothingness.

Emmaline Rogers
I am crocheting. I am glasses. I am figure drawing. I am warm beverages in the evening. I am the Kenyon Review. I am stolen Ritz crackers. I am great jeans. I am wonderful sense of style. I am artistic. I am assertive. I am progressively less scary. I am sharp knitting needles. Everybody gangsta until Emmaline pulls out the DPNs. I am nifty. I am senior sems due on Wednesday. I am lived in Scotland. I hate raccoons.

Cassie Coale
Passionate about most things, I aim to publish the work of those interested in what goes on unnoticed or unaddressed in the social world – at Kenyon and outside of Kenyon. Otherwise, I'm a Junior English major – for the meantime stationed in Philadelphia, PA., where I write poetry and essays, embroider, and do astrology.

Grant Holt
I’ve been with Persimmons since the beginning. As a junior, I’m a history major and studio art minor, with a focus on American history and conceptual art. My college radio show “A Jolt of Holt” is a locally-recognized program broadcasted weekly. I’m often told I have a face for radio. In my spare time, I run cross-country and read biographies.
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