The following editors notes were included in the Spring 2020 Edition of Persimmons.
They have been reposted here for your enjoyment.
Sophia Fornwalt '20
It is a continuously radical movement to create a community and self which looks to others and says, “Yes, I will listen to you”. Working as a member and editor for Persimmons during my time at Kenyon has taught me what it can look like to be part of this mode of being which listens and creates a platform for voices both like and unlike my own. I understand writing and the creative arts as transformative practices in imagining the lives of others and, at times, the lives of ourselves as something other than previously accepted. So long as there are listeners, change and solidarity between lives can occur with movements both radical and subtle. Thank you for listening to me, to our creative submitters, and to each other in our worlds both close and far.
Grant Holt '22
It’s the best feeling in the world to publish something. You feel accomplished, validated, and—in the midst of a potent virus—relieved! It’s easy to think that the future is cancelled because of the pandemic, but I think the existence of this magazine refutes that reality. We made a magazine—not just despite a pandemic—but in spite of it! We did it because Persimmons grew into a thriving organization this year, thanks to our staff who were nothing less than a blessing. All of our staff members are the walking definitions of awesome. You should ask them for their autographs. When we can gather together again, I believe it will be a transformative moment. These sorts of moments are rare. A transformative moment tunes out the uncertain- ty of tomorrow. We jolt awake and gasp for air as we look over our shoulder at yesterday’s passing horrors. Coming together again might be one of those moments. It might be life-changing. It might be the best feeling in the world.
